Archive for March, 2013

One-Line Monday

Chapter 7 , Scene 1 from ‘2013: The Harvest’[1]

George made it to his feet, he was in a world of pain but, he was going to fight until the end. “Come… on… I’m … not… done yet.” George held his hands up ready to fight, he hoped that Unit 700 would make the advance, he wasn’t sure if he could walk over to him.

  1. Want to know more about 2013: The Harvest? CLICK HERE  ↩

One-Line Monday

Chapter 16 , Scene 3 from ‘2013: The Harvest’[1]

“This isn’t a game son, this is real life you don’t get an extra life, reload game, or a restart level option. You get life or death.”

  1. Want to know more about 2013: The Harvest? CLICK HERE  ↩

One-Line Monday

Chapter 21, Scene 6 from ‘2013: The Harvest’[1]

Carol and Grant’s search for water was beginning to seem hopeless, they had considered finding a stream and drinking from it. Not knowing what it was the Nayams had used to cause such devastation, they were concerned with contamination; ruling out drinking from any streams. They had found a few stores — what was left of them anyways — any shelves that still stood were ash covered nothing else in sight. All they wanted was to find a stash of bottled water, a little food, and then some where to hide for the night.

  1. Want to know more about 2013: The Harvest? CLICK HERE  ↩

One-Line Monday

Chapter 13, Scene 3 from ‘2013: The Harvest’[1]

Herald shrugged his shoulders, “Well… I am what you could call a techie, but as for the radios I don’t fully understand them. This particular radio is one of our first generations, they communicate on a custom radio signal one of our men designed I believe his name is Scott. The radius of the signal is unknown to me all I know is it can’t contact Noah’s Ark. I have been told about the second generation of radios Scott successfully made. They are capable of communication from and to any point with no radios cap. Oh, and they are powered by the Infinity Ore, they found it acts like an energy source with no limit to its power.”

  1. Want to know more about 2013: The Harvest? CLICK HERE  ↩